Chess Competition

Competition Details

If you think that you are efficient enough to beat anyone in Chess with your best moves, then its the best place for you to apply your skills and let your game moves decide your strong logics.

Winning Prize:

Rs. 5,000

Runner Up:

Rs. 2,000

Entry Fee:

Rs. 700 per peron



  • Member must be an enrolled student of University/College.
  • Maximum time of each game is 20 minutes.
  • If by the end of 20 minutes the game is not completed, the game will be switched to (Continued as) Blitz chess where both sides will be given a total time of 5 minutes each, using a chess clock, the one who runs out of time first will loose (if the game dose not conclude in its normal manner). (Explanation of blitz chess rules
  • International rules of competitive chess will be followed, for more details the judges will explain the rules when the games commence, but we will assume you know the standard rules of chess. (Set of rules that will be followed
  • If you have any further queries you may ask for clarification from the judges at any given time.
  • In case of a drawn game both participants may either be asked to do one of 3 things listed below at the judges discretion
    • play another match.
    • get promoted to next round.
    • considered knocked out of the tournament (we will treat both the players the same way).
  • Final ruling will be made by the judges and no query will be answered in reply of the judgment made.
  • Management is free to change rules at any time without any prior notice to the participants.


Event Heads:

Head: Hissam Hussain

Co-Head: Yawar Atiq   


Event Head Details:

For further queries contact event heads.

Hissam Hussain: +92-315-858378


Yawar Atiq: +92-335-3303125
